With such massive proliferation of information it became possible to write an article citing wholly false sources, also based on false sources.
Similar to the massive proliferation on Symbian and the nightmare it is to develop 1 program across the huge range of devices running several different OS's.
PVR was originally referred to as massive vitreous retraction and then as massive periretinal proliferation.
Growth on methanol is accompanied by a massive proliferation of cell organelles named peroxisomes in which the initial enzymatic steps of this pathway take place.
This massive proliferation of mental illnesses made pharmaceutical companies determined to market cures.
The physical symptoms of Lyme result from the immune system's response to the organism, not from a massive proliferation of spirochetes.
I am against massive proliferation of TLDs on aesthetic grounds.
Volleyball spiking became very popular in the late 80's and early 90's with the massive proliferation of beach volleyball as a popular sport.
Not only have they not been got rid of, but there is a massive proliferation.
If you wanted Norwegian black metal, you could find it, and only it, and the same applied to a massive proliferation of sub genres.