The stadium underwent massive redesign and reconstruction for the biggest multi-sport event hosted by India to that date.
The magazine underwent a massive redesign and relaunch in February 2007, when the name officially changed from Alternative Ulster to AU.
In 2009, Smosh prepared a massive redesign of, added a games section, and put extras in the video section.
Just like the 707-620, the 707-820 would have required a massive structural redesign to the wing and gear structures.
The Flight Systems, while loosely based around the previous versions of the vehicle, undertook a massive redesign to comply with Civil Certification requirements.
For 1970, the Continental underwent a massive redesign.
Specifically, we undertook a massive redesign of the interchange in the Lyndhurst-Route 3 area to satisfy environmental considerations, which we believe far outweigh engineering and cost problems.
This is the Hosgri fault which was discovered while the plant was under construction, and led to massive redesign.
Shortly after the move, the magazine underwent a massive redesign.