Even more importantly, however, we can now swamp their fire control with massive salvos, just as they've been doing to us ever since the Battle of Hancock.
Two superdreadnought squadrons couldn't have spawned that massive salvo, and the Manties only had battlecruisers!
It was a feeble response to the massive salvo which had ravaged her command, yet she watched the outgoing missile traces with hungry eyes.
Every fifth missile in that massive salvo was either a jammer or a decoy pretending to be an entire pod's worth of missiles all by itself.
Soon all tubes were ready to shoot another massive salvo.
Barely a quarter of the birds in that massive salvo were blinded, and only a handful more succumbed to the decoys' seduction.
Cabinets of liquor, cigarettes and luxury items blew apart under the massive salvo.
Adding the internal launchers brought the total number of missiles in that first, massive salvo up to forty-nine hundred.
No one in the history of interstellar warfare had ever seen anything like the massive salvo coming in on his ships.
None of them survived the single massive salvo which followed it up.