The truck was equipped with a video projector, a massive screen, a light show, and industrial strength video players.
Why is there such a push for these massive screens in the Android community?
At the front of the hall, the proscenium and wings were retracting as a massive screen descended toward the floor.
When you're 20ft tall on a massive screen and you're seeing people's lives played out on it, it's different from a nice painting.
Beyond the monitors hangs a massive wall-mounted screen with lines of type scrolling down it a few clicks at a time.
The spectators craned their necks to watch the game on three massive screens specially erected in the square.
She watched the championship games last year on massive screens at Gampel.
Then the volunteers repeated these same tasks, this time using a computer with a massive 42-inch screen, as big as a plasma TV.
Conceived as a "window on the future," the massive screen consists of 57 individual "picture cubes."
As the lights dimmed the curtains would reveal the massive curved screen.