Instead, they saw something they would never forget: a truly massive skeleton of a gigantic mastodon that had lived along the riverbank thousands of years ago.
At high concentrations, it produces four or five kinds, and they have tiny branches and nodes that create a more massive skeleton.
Sclerosponges are sponges with a soft body that covers a hard, often massive skeleton made of calcium carbonate, either aragonite or calcite.
It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength.
By nightfall the dead diplodocus, all thirty-three tons of him, had disappeared and only his massive skeleton lay on the beach.
Dominating the room, like the massive skeleton of some even larger beast, was the fearsome engine, sleek from its last oiling.
It is the only species in the family Helioporidae and the only Octocoral known to produce a massive skeleton.
Bones fly up from the ground all around them, magically assembling themselves into the massive skeleton of some huge, dinosaur-like beast.
Then the camera pans to the massive man-made skeletons of an oil refinery.
It had a massive skeleton, which suggests that it supported a large muscular body.