The master of the night was seeking shreds of evidence that might enable him to piece the chain of crime.
To some extent this positioning was purely constructed; the masters of the colleges sought to balance the social privilege found in each college.
The brave dog therefore remained at the foot of the cliff while his master with his companions sought a refuge among the rocks.
We used to say it was Satan's will, that the master and the fledgling not seek comfort in each other.
Our master and mistress seeks you; come away, away.
What had become of Joe, while his master was thus vainly seeking for him?
"Your master seeks vengeance as well, does he not?"
It was very different when the masters of the science sought immortality and power; such views, although futile, were grand; but now the scene was changed.
My master, the mage Marimmar, sought the magic he believes-believed-the city holds.
I have already sent word last year that what your master seeks no longer exists.