The director, Michael Maggio, exercises a masterful control over the production.
It was nice to see Joshua's masterful control slip to reveal a vulnerable underbelly of confusion.
Needlelike, the picks probed the lock, under the masterful control of a steady, practiced hand.
With masterful control he said, 'When I've done all this, boss, what then?'
Although his pace has dropped over the years, he has masterful control of line and length.
Entertainment Weekly noted that "Clarkson glides through octaves with the masterful control of someone who's been doing this for decades".
One senses Mr. Wiley's masterful control throughout this book: the narrative moves along briskly, fueled by splendid dramatic scenes and moments.
The receptionist, chic and bare from the waist up, started in surprise, then gained masterful control of herself.
And Cone, who usually has masterful control, had just walked two to load the bases, bringing up Bonilla and Bonds, the Killer B's, with one out.
"WhatI" Justin stopped at the top of his shriek, closed his mouth, and with the obviously masterful control needed in handling children, forced his voice to be reasonable.