Yet despite such weaknesses, the novel remains a masterly piece of storytelling - set down in durable if ordinary prose.
It is funny, touching and a masterly piece of choreographic organization.
It is a masterly piece of journalism.
A masterly piece of work, that -but, with the cooperation of the Patrol, both logical and fairly simple.
This masterly piece at first seems anomalous compared with the stories that precede it, but it manages to bring Doenges' book to a lovely, poetical conclusion.
It was a masterly piece of work.
This is "a masterly piece of fiction," Edith Milton said in The Book Review last year.
It was a masterly piece of deception.
This masterly piece of appropriation features an image painted by an anonymous contemporary of Durer's.
Altogether, it is a masterly piece of research that should long occupy a central place in the sociological interpretations of Lebanon's decline and fall.