A masterly study of the first two centuries of blacks in America that demonstrates how the forms and meanings of slavery changed over time and space.
The recent restoration has made these masterly studies of human nature and inventive depiction of the human form known once more.
His best known book was a masterly study of the conditions of literary life in England in the 18th century illustrated by the lives of Dryden, Addison and Pope.
Of the latter, Der Erbförster (The Hereditary Forester) (1850) attracted immediate attention as a masterly psychological study.
A masterly study of what he called "the most difficult question" of those years is LaWanda Cox's "Lincoln and Black Freedom" (1981).
Gerald Gunther's masterly study "Learned Hand: The Man and the Judge" gives us the life of the man integrated with the life of the judge.
The Lucretius, later published, is beyond praise as a masterly study of the great Roman sceptic, whose heart is at eternal odds with his Epicurean creed.
The result is a "masterly study," Roy Porter wrote here last year.
Arkady Ivanenko's gangling frame in an oversized jacket was a masterly study in body language.
In Mr. Tudor's masterly study of repression, Isabella Padovani made her debut as the Youngest Sister.