Italian police announced recently that they had matched fingerprints found on a car rental form with those of Junzo Okudaira, a Red Army member.
The police were then able to match fingerprints they had taken at the murder scene with Mr. Cox's.
Anyone who can read English can tell whether or not the two work-ups match; it doesn't take the sort of expertise required to match fingerprints.
They matched fingerprints under the microscope and carried out chemical tests of poisons, explosives, and other materials from the scene of a crime.
"Her fingerprints matched other fingerprints on file that they were trying to identify from the previous murders."
Within hours, the police had matched Mr. Seda's handwriting and fingerprints to those on the letters.
Complaints have been made that there have been no published, peer-reviewed studies directly examining the extent to which people can correctly match fingerprints to one another.
Give us your fingerprint and vote away: chances of getting caught voting illegally are very high; computers match fingerprints every day at high speed.
The mobile automated system can match fingerprints against those records using radio communications or over a cellular network.
A system to match fingerprints in a few hours is to be introduced this year, New Jersey officials said this week.