So they cannot match supply with demand as they would like.
It is a good idea for any organisation to plan its labour force requirements, matching available supply against forecast demand.
The reason is that global inflation is trending up and demand is never likely to match supply.
Moving this water the hundreds of miles to match supply and demand uses an enormous amount of energy.
We spend a lot of time looking at how we can better match supply and demand - and basically that has meant two things.
Critics contend that Government involvement is unnecessary and interferes with the market's ability to match supply with demand.
All three Detroit automakers have substantially reduced production to more closely match supply with demand.
To match supply and demand will require some 38,000 miles of new gas pipelines, along with 255,000 miles of distribution lines.
Demand shaping is the influencing of demand to match planned supply.
Pumped storage capacity needs to be increased to match supply to demand.