The service matches adult volunteers with children from single-parent families.
Seventeen age matched healthy volunteers (12 women, median age 42 years, range 28-69) served as controls.
She matches volunteers with vacant lots, which suddenly emerge tidy and full of flowers and vegetables.
I thought it would be nice to get this program started, to match volunteers with people who needed help.
CompuMentor's original charter - to match volunteers, or mentors, in the technology industry with nonprofit agencies - is still a large part of the organization's focus.
The center, founded in 1976, matches volunteers with nonprofit agencies throughout the city.
Citizen Schools is a nation-wide organization that matches volunteers with after-school program sites and gets them started with scripted curricula.
The SisterNet program matches adult volunteers with teenagers from the neighborhood.
A good starting point is a clearinghouse that matches volunteers with activities.
The Community Corps matches volunteers with IT skills to nonprofits in need of support.