His Fantastics, written in America, contains some of the most impressive ghoulishness in all literature; whilst his Kwaidan, written in Japan, crystallises with matchless skill and delicacy the eerie lore and whispered legends of that richly colourful nation.
In the Prime's suite even a humble waiting-room was finished with matchless skill.
With matchless skill had the artist drawn them in a world of their own, wherein they had cities and gardens fashioned to suit their dimensions; and I could not help but think that their pictured history was allegorical, perhaps shewing the progress of the race that worshipped them.
The skinny blue-eyed crooner, quickly nicknamed The Voice, made hordes of bobby-soxers swoon in the 1940's with an extraordinarily smooth and flexible baritone that he wielded with matchless skill.
Though Hague, like other political bosses of the time, was not above outright fraud at the polls, the keys to Hague's success were his matchless organizational skills and demand for complete loyalty from his subordinates.
The born egomaniac, as Kindred recognized early on, had the matchless skill and original mind to make truth of hyperbole.
If being in a hospital bed made a difference," he said, "it was mostly the difference produced by warmth, shelter, and food, and attentive, friendly care, and the matchless skill of the nurses in providing these things.
A very strong leading 'rogue' character played with great guile by Clive Owen emerged out of a solid plot supported by the matchless acting skills of Leslie Phillips.
Spofforth was bowling the most remarkable break-backs at tremendous pace; Boyle, from the other end, maintained a perfect length; Blackham with matchless skill took every ball that passed the batsmen ... every fieldsman strained his nerves to the utmost.