His book is only a minor example of the privately published material circulated to about two thousand hardcore flying saucer believers.
Resource Center, a loan collection of educational materials circulated through the Museum's nine satellite resource centers in Missouri.
It is this uncertain future that is already raising concerns in the library community, which is wary of the fees that could charged for material circulated on the Internet.
This notion recurs in the materials circulated by Islamic bookshops and on the Internet.
In recent years, more and more battles have spilled from the courtroom onto the newsstand, and the material being circulated has become more and more seamy.
The work consisted of a filing system of material published and circulated by Art & Language members.
The Eden Prairie Library has the highest circulation of all the Hennepin County libraries; in 2012 the number of materials circulated amounted to over 1,165,000 items.
Tom was already a traditional folk character when the booklet was printed, and it is likely printed materials circulated prior to Johnson's.
Xeroxlore or photocopylore is similar material circulated by photocopying; compare samizdat in Soviet-bloc countries.
Among the materials circulated at the congress was a booklet with an essay by Igor Yakovenko, general secretary of the Russian Union of Journalists, titled "The Torn Profession."