The material deposited at the cathode was ground into powder for examination by a transmission electron microscope and an X-ray diffractometer.
These materials also deposit their waste products in the gas.
Identifying material deposited to represent the game or its three-dimensional parts usually consists of photographs, photostats, slides, drawings, or other two-dimensional representations of the work.
Only a tiny part of ancient Eretria has been excavated, while the materials deposited in the Museum and the documentation of older excavations have not yet yielded all the information they hold.
The materials deposited there are one of the three major sources for the International Plant Names Index.
Metallic scrapers are used for sub zero temperature applications, and applications where foreign materials can deposit on the rod.
As the discharge increases, material may deposit about the braid bar since it is an area in the river of low velocity due to its increased elevation in relation to surrounding areas.
A thickness monitor measures how much material deposited on its sensor.
Glacial till: material directly deposited from glacial ice.
Stencils are also used in micro/nanotechnology, as miniature shadow masks through which material can be deposited, etched or ions implanted onto a substrate.