Surface collection suggests that this material derives from the cave and from the 1928 spoil, the bulk of which has been washed down the slope.
Initial material derived from the public domain Lemprière's Classical Dictionary of 1824.
Pearl's comic material derived heavily from her hometown of Centerville, which in her act she called Grinder's Switch.
The genuine and interpolated material derives predominantly from the Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis.
The material of his early fiction derives from the imaginative return to his origins.
Many materials, both manufactured and naturally occurring, derive their functionality from the spatial distribution of sample components.
The source of the ivory is difficult to determine, and the question of whether the material derives from elephant or walrus has not been resolved.
Many industrial materials derive directly from biological sources.
Its choreographic raw material derives from imitations of people observed by the dancers.
For instance, material from the Book of Proverbs derives directly from the Instruction of Amenemope.