Everything comes back to material goods for you, doesn't it?
Soon it was not enough to demonstrate your success in life by the acquisition of material goods.
People have lots of material goods, but are not happy, he said.
"The lesson is to try to take away from material goods, but it's hard in our society."
It was only in material goods that they were lacking.
The former meant that, however acquired, a minimum of material goods should be used.
And the overwhelming majority of all the material goods we use in daily life today have been developed within the present, the 800th, lifetime.
At the same time, they were against possessing material goods.
I explained to Samantha's husband that my mother was never much concerned with material goods.
These needed their own material goods for this journey, such as food.
Before dying, Kakeru tells Michiru and Hikaru that people are truly important in life, not material goods.
How important are material goods and services when everyone receives basic credit?
In 1928, Strong died, and with his death this policy ended, to be replaced with a real bills doctrine requiring that all currency or securities have material goods backing them.
Most American workers, Mr. Shenk points out, now handle information, not material goods, and data flow has become speedier, and information more dense.
RRFM gathers in Dolores Park to give away material goods they no longer want and what they want or to share skills and talents.
Culture is more than just material goods, that is things the culture uses and produces.
"So material goods are of little consequence," Chakotay murmured.
In a cathartic move, she renounces all material goods - except, if you look closely, her cat, her teacup and her reading lamp.
Freedom, democracy, more material goods are now officially acceptable goals, the authorities declare.
"We live in a society where people have material goods but no emotion," Ana Rosario Villagran Robles, the center's social worker, told the group.