The study also asked about 17 types of material hardship, such as the ability to afford food, housing and child care.
This might link to the material hardship that occurs with low socioeconomic status.
But most also said the movement from welfare to work had done little to ease material hardship, and in some cases might have increased it.
The Confederacy's population, soldier and civilian, had suffered material hardship and social disruption.
The deeper message of Edin's book concerns the material hardships that most welfare families still endure.
That doesn't mean poverty has disappeared, of course, though its material hardships have lessened significantly.
In addition to high poverty rates, many reservation residents must confront conditions of material hardship.
Since when did Iran's fundamentalist regime care about material hardships?
Despite the war and the material hardships endured by Vietnam, the country has produced world-class scientists.
The politics of personal relationships are explored against a background of social injustice and material hardship.