He paid Colburn £5,580 for materials and copyrights owned by the firm, including the Standard Novels series.
Union College belongs to a number of regional and national consortia that improve access to materials not actually owned by the College.
They are proprietary materials owned by the Graphite Metallizing Corp.
Controversially, it included some material owned by Sony, and therefore the band effectively invited legal action from their former label.
Activities using radioactive materials owned by the Department of Energy were supervised by that government agency and no licensing was required.
He does send out some 20 letters a week, he said, warning for-pay Web sites to remove material owned by his clients.
Model sheets are not typically in the public domain, but are copyrighted material owned by the animation studio which created it.
Through interlibrary loan, any patron can borrow material owned by any cooperating library in the region.
A distributed library is a collection of materials available for borrowing by members of a group, yet not maintained or owned by a single entity.
It is unclear what will happen to the intellectual property and copyrighted material owned by Juno Baby, Inc. at this time.