The material surrounding the rips had a faint, dingy stain that only showed when the light hit it at a certain angle.
The material surrounding a carbon star may blanket it to the extent that the dust absorbs all visible light.
It has been suggested that a spiral structure in the tenuous material surrounding the F ring may have been a consequence of this.
The trio watched while two more missiles were trapped and wrapped in the material surrounding Rama.
From early childhood, she explored the organic materials surrounding her.
Based on the relationship between wavelength and particle size, they determined the grainy materials surrounding the star to be centimeter-sized.
The impact melts or boils the water in the subsurface producing a distinctive pattern of material surrounding the crater.
The cytoplasm, the jellylike material surrounding the nucleus, turns green.
He nosed into the material surrounding the small conduit into which he had been carried.
As with computer disks, the complaint was that there was too much material surrounding the small kernel of product.