Certainly, China before 1980 was a land of material shortage.
Food and raw material shortages reached famine proportions in the cities by the winter of 1916-17.
Ultimately rising prices and continued problems with material shortages after the war forced the publication to cease in 1948.
Yet the material shortages are mild in their effect compared with what the Serbian leaders have accomplished by cutting off the city's electricity and water.
But there were other problems, including material shortage and the fear of the German forces confiscating any copper that would be used in the wires.
The material shortages eased and the growing electronics industry during the war led to more advertisers and readers.
They were built about 1862, and their scale reflects the material shortages during the American Civil War.
The enterprise was modestly successful until materials shortages during World War I forced the plant to close.
While it was meant to be cast in bronze, material shortages due to World War I prevented this.
The continuing war resulted in materials shortages.