Despite Ludendorff's maternal noble origins, however, he married outside them, to Margarete née Schmidt (1875-1936).
They have been used for diagnosing translocations and monogenic disorders of maternal origin, as well as for PGS.
Both segments are unaffected by recombination, thus they provide an indicator of paternal and maternal origins, respectively.
Subsequent studies carried out by Feder and al confirmed the huge portion of non-local maternal origin among Ashkenazi Jews.
The names of many members of the 10th-11th-century Comitopuli dynasty-such as Samuil, Moses, David-could indicate partial Jewish origin, most likely maternal, though this is disputed.
Her maternal origins are from Kardamyla, in the island of Chios.
A negative test indicates that the blood is of maternal origin.
Each heterozygous individual will have two MHC haplotypes, one in each chromosome (one of paternal origin and the other of maternal origin).
In Serer, Tim (proper : o tim) means matriclan or the maternal origins of an individual.
This is why all mitochondria in humans are of maternal origin.