Especially on the issue of maternal responsibility.
She has an intense and profound attachment to her child, which may be interpreted as her inability to let go of maternal responsibilities.
Esther considers Graham, who has been with her for 23 years, her "moral and maternal responsibility."
Once caught up in its use, mothers give little time to maternal responsibilities; even obtaining food becomes extraneous in the drive to renew the last high.
Others had been told that their maternal responsibilities made them unreliable workers.
Without pain medication, birth becomes a final demonstration of the maternal responsibility, maturation, and hard work a woman exemplified throughout her pregnancy.
Ms. Laganis, working in a city agency after the birth of her third child, was barely keeping it together as her maternal responsibilities seemed to increase exponentially.
She acts as a wife mother figure, but does not accept the sexual commitments or maternal responsibilities of her new role.
When a father with custody of his children remarries, he usually continues to go off to work, expecting his wife to assume all maternal responsibilities.
She takes her maternal responsibilities seriously, and only murders her children with words.