Would require that hospitals provide maternity patients with information on procedures used during labor and delivery.
The hospital did not test all its maternity patients, only those who met certain criteria, many of which correlated with poverty.
"Did you admit as maternity patient any woman seated in this court?"
Rates at the Hospital were $3 a day for a private room, $2 for a ward, and $25 for 14 days as a maternity patient.
The figures, do not include patients suffering from cancer or mental health problems or maternity patients.
These founding hospitals have played an important role in developing good care for maternity patients.
The majority of maternity patients are cared for here.
Separate wards were built for children and maternity patients.
Medical experts nationwide are divided on when maternity patients can be safely discharged.
In lieu of hospital gowns, St. Luke's maternity patients are encouraged to wear their own nightclothes.