The local "mathletes," as they're called, recently beat out 216 other regional winners from around the country at a national math problem-solving contest in Washington.
Students participate in annual history and math contests, achieving top scores and national recognition for their achievements.
Her own two children - Sarah, 14, and Ben, 10, have enjoyed the challenge of the Olympiad math contest, an extremely difficult national problem-solving competition.
California Math League, an annual set of six math contests administered in the state of California.
Mathletes compete against various schools in math contests as well as in the Suburban Prairie Conference.
Charlie Cox, told of a young boy hugely excited to be taking part in a math contest.
In his youth David scored well in a national math contest.
The University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, holds an annual math contest named in his honour.
And Dominick, who also insists he hates math, recently placed second in a math contest, one which garnered another trophy for the already swollen family collection.
Since 1985, he has composed and edited problems for several national math contests, including the USAMO.