By fifth grade, students use math texts for the year ahead.
The average age of a math text on the secondary level was five years, but some books in use were 10 years old.
Kevin has set aside his seventh-grade math text to practice tai chi for a martial arts tournament.
In my few minutes each day of spare time, I found myself working through math texts and vids available through the ex net, and downloading subscription supplements.
In the course of his studies, Dr. Nemeth found that he needed to make use of sighted readers to read otherwise inaccessible math texts and other materials.
It looked like a random walk example in a math text.
A new math text has been chosen for the upper grades.
Similarly, Babylonian math texts had always used sexagesimal (base 60) fractions with great frequency.
Then there's a query from a baffled youngster desperate for what he thinks is a math text.
He published several popular math texts, including "From the known to the unknown" (foreword by biologist Jean Rostand) which has been translated into several languages.