Computers will replace humans in all mathematical activities, such as checking to see if a proof is correct or not (Goodman, 1979).
The symposiums will include mathematical activity that explore work related to the honoured Fields Medalist.
His mathematical activity essentially ceased after this, and he devoted his energies to political causes.
For example, they made the infinite-dimensional representation theory of reductive groups into a major field of mathematical activity.
It describes the necessary ingredients of a rich mathematical activity:
Ideas for investigations can normally be generated and developed from almost any mathematical activity.
It has also been noted that most of the mathematical activities during this period were concentrated in these schools.
As a centre for mathematical activity, the institute brings together mathematicians from Canada and abroad.
A group of teachers involved in one such group attempted to draw up a list describing necessary ingredients for a rich mathematical activity.
Such a curriculum would include practical, oral, mental, and problem solving mathematical activities in context, and cover the foundation list of topics.