The rare disease assumption is a mathematical assumption in epidemiologic case-control studies where the hypothesis tests the association between an exposure and a disease.
However it appears to be possible to augment them with various mathematical assumptions made either implicitly or explicitly by Cox to produce a valid proof.
"unintuitive" mathematical assumptions were dropped then alternatives could be devised, e.g., an example provided by Halpern.
She, and others, attempt to make explicit some of the implicit mathematical assumptions underpinning modern theoretical physics and cosmology.
Providing certain mathematical assumptions hold, the method finds an optimal solution.
Their predictions "taught the world to be careful when making mathematical assumptions and calculations."
To make them seem periodic requires too many mathematical assumptions.
Mr. Dodson said that criticism was based on a faulty mathematical assumption.
They suggested that the Price equation is based on certain invalid mathematical assumptions.
The conclusion, that current levels of exposure may already pose human health problems, is based on new mathematical assumptions that have not been published in scientific journals.