Other formulas, he explained, produced "interesting collisions," but virtually none afforded a similar combination of mathematical elegance and musical flow.
While Dr. Luttinger pursued the abstract beauty of mathematical elegance in his work, he was an amateur artist when he relaxed, Ms. Thomas said.
As Y. N. Moschovakis says, however, this is mostly an exercise in mathematical elegance, and you don't gain much unless you are "allergic to subscripts."
The main appealing feature of the theory is its mathematical elegance and simplicity.
It was a matter of shapes, geometries, mathematical elegance.
What it lacks in mathematical elegance, it makes up for in quickness.
Some cosmologists are drawn to M-theory because of its mathematical elegance and relative simplicity.
They appear to be works of considerable mathematical elegance, but not indicating any great power of original thought.
"The gut feel of the 55-year-old trader," Mr. Greenspan said, "is more important than the mathematical elegance of the 25-year-old genius."
Nav was only about practical solutions where mathematical elegance was not properly appreciated.