Harry was a genuine mathematical prodigy growing up and living in ghettos.
As far as he was concerned, Norma was a mathematical prodigy, so who cared about her height or her appearance?
The Dreamers the artistic geniuses who created Nightingale were also mathematical prodigies.
The Dreamers-the artistic geniuses who created Nightingale-were also mathematical prodigies.
Karen Ross was a genuine mathematical prodigy.
Harry, who had grown up in Philadelphia as a thin, introverted, painfully shy boy, a mathematical prodigy, his gifts denigrated by his friends and family.
The little golden-haired girl on Mars, a mathematical prodigy, but dying of,an incurable disease?
A mathematical prodigy: history and legend.
Ernst Gabor Straus came to be known as a mathematical prodigy from a very young age.