Applying his mathematical prowess to the problem, Piet Hein proposed to use the superellipse which became the hallmark of modern Scandinavian architecture.
Rothstein also suggested that the hugely successful SAT and ACT test preparation courses are unwittingly emphasizing mathematical prowess over verbal acuity.
The students, who included children with different levels of mathematical prowess, worked on their own pieces of software for four to eight hours per week for fifteen weeks.
He was well versed with the scriptures but at the same time had a keen mathematical prowess.
She had heard many stories of Savant Holtzman's mathematical prowess, and she would be hard pressed to contribute anything the great man hadn't already developed.
Robertson had both conceptual and imaginative muscle and the mathematical prowess to back it up.
He also inadvertently reveals his mathematical prowess by rapidly counting the star designs visible on Scully's blouse; however, his handwriting does not match the fourth sample taken from the whiteboard.
Though known as a researcher of intimidating mathematical prowess, Dr. Ashtekar, 49, seems to approach his metier without much solemnity about its cosmic implications.
This paper relied heavily on the mathematical prowess of Ralph A. Alpher and his doctoral dissertation, which he defended to an audience of over 300 at The George Washington University.
Ramelli undoubtedly understood that gravity could have worked just as effectively (as it does with a Ferris wheel), but the gearing system allowed him to display his mathematical prowess.