But his mathematical rigor failed to account for the mutual attractions of three bodies, like the earth, moon and sun.
He desired to improve the mathematical rigor of economics and transform it into a more scientific profession.
Perhaps it was the need for mathematical rigor that led Bate into computer science.
"He brought a degree of mathematical rigor to the field."
All steps and gestures were articulated with almost mathematical rigor.
How many times have you told me that my intuition has no value till it is backed by mathematical rigor and experimental observation?
Stalin in his five year plans produced more mathematical rigour than the current Government provides.
How can these buildings, derived with almost mathematical rigor from a diagrammatic plan, provide so much physical pleasure?
The study of these patterns is called technical analysis because it tends to be done with mathematical rigor and considerable agnosticism.
Nevertheless, mathematical rigor and elegance are not sufficient to demonstrate a theory's relevance.