The only human subject matter that Alex works with is a mathematical sequence called "The Audience."
This art uses mathematical sequences and patterns to change bell orders to carry out these sequences.
Subscripts are often used to refer to members in a mathematical sequence or set.
Here, try this: and he inscribed a complicated mathematical sequence on the screen of Harry's mind.
Change ringing is a particular facet of English bellringing where bells are rung in mathematical sequence.
Many of these poets used procedural methods based on mathematical sequences and other logical organising devices to structure their poetry.
The wastebasket filled with scrawled sheets of paper, and mathematical sequences.
Although appearing in several applications, it can be easiest to explain through inspection of a relatively simple mathematical sequence.
They even brought the buildings down in different mathematical sequences, with varying amounts of time factored in between each building's collapse.
Or he bursts through chords in mathematical sequences that angle their way across the movement of the band; it's modern.