It has been said by some to have opened opportunities for computer modelling even for users of relatively low mathematical sophistication.
On the other hand, it has also been criticized as weak precisely where mathematical sophistication should be required and for relying only on Euler integration.
The level of mathematical sophistication of neoclassical economics increased.
Gifted with a keen sense of humor, Harary challenged and entertained audiences at all levels of mathematical sophistication.
While most textbooks deal with the same basic breadth of information, the depth of their treatment depends on the level of mathematical sophistication they employ.
Those who are not must forgive me my momentary lapse into modest mathematical sophistication.
Additionally, the work involved in producing such a good proof requires a high level of mathematical sophistication and expertise.
Yet, it was Alpher's work and mathematical sophistication which turned the study of cosmology into a legitimate field of physical science.
This approach needs very little mathematical sophistication apart from some calculus and some knowledge of the normal distribution.
In fact "transitions" are not instantaneous, but to dig into the details requires a degree of mathematical sophistication that the 'audience' usually does not have.