William also translated mathematical treatises by Hero of Alexandria and Archimedes.
The Almagest is a 2nd-century mathematical and astronomical treatise on the apparent motions of the stars and planetary paths.
He is known to have written sermons, but none of these have been printed, and his short mathematical treatise is not now to be found.
At the age of fifteen he produced a mathematical treatise.
He left for the Continent in order to economize, but returned in 1645 and published Trissotetras, a mathematical treatise.
Crane was seated at the desk, poring over an abstruse mathematical treatise in Science.
The archive contains the mathematical treatise that had been the object of discussion the previous evening, and Wilhelm is permitted to read and copy it.
His most important mathematical treatise was the Regoluzze, a manual of elementary arithmetic, written in 1340.
At that time it became a custom in Spain to let Kresa assess mathematical treatises ahead of publication.
He also wrote on squaring the circle in his mathematical treatises.