Is it significant that the Kongo piece was the product of a matrilineal culture that had early exposure to Christianity?
Akan culture is one of the traditional matrilineal cultures of Africa.
As the Mohawk were a matrilineal culture, he was born into his mother's Wolf Clan.
Because their mother was not Mohawk, they were excluded from aspects of the tribe's matrilineal culture.
In Cherokee and other matrilineal cultures, wives owned the family property.
The tribal people of Meghalaya are a part of what may be the world's largest surviving matrilineal culture.
The Creek had a matrilineal culture in which a person's place and status were determined by their maternal clan.
The Jarai have a matrilineal culture; that is, the lineage is traced through the mother rather than the father.
The Minangkabau ethnic group retain a unique matrilineal culture, despite being devoted Muslims.
My father was Jewish by birth, not my mother, which left me nowhere in a matrilineal culture.