During the 1920s and 1930s, Saigon newspapers reported multiple instances of self-immolations by monks in a matter-of-fact style.
In matter-of-fact style, Bracy was looking about the room.
For them, it is a lovely introduction to the author's storytelling genius and matter-of-fact, lyrical style.
The book is driven by Dobbs's seething yet remarkably matter-of-fact style.
Her request echoed the matter-of-fact style of her initial plea to the online community, which she had made using craigslist.org.
In nonfiction, the opening sentence generally points the reader to the subject under discussion directly in a matter-of-fact style.
Day's understated, matter-of-fact style underlines the comedy in everyday situations.
The exhibition includes details about executions written by prison officials in a matter-of-fact style.
Asked about it later, Toon said in his matter-of-fact style, "It happens."
His films of this period are noted for their "twisted plots delivered in an unnerving matter-of-fact style."