In fact, because human females mature faster, they get there first, and it's doubtful if we slow boats to China ever catch up.
It was said that a girl matured faster when taken early by a man.
In response, the deceived plants put more energy into their above-ground growth, and that means bigger tomatoes or strawberries that mature faster.
Do any species mature faster, and if not, how long do I have to wait before cutting the leaves off?
While children are developing emotionally at the same rate as their parents and grandparents, their bodies are maturing significantly faster.
In the search for a hardy wheat that would mature faster, he made hundreds of crosses, proceeding to test the yields.
Only children are noted to have a tendency to mature faster.
Barrett said he had been through so much that he matured faster.
But the difference between girls and boys is that girls mature faster.
Animals might mature faster: a pressurised poultry house, for example, could hurry chickens to earlier adulthood.