This high-filopodia, low-spine phenotype may be due to failure of the filopodia to mature properly into spines.
This goes back to Mr. Parker's comment that 1982's can be enjoyed young but will also mature properly.
They also need adequate drainage to mature properly.
That's part of the emotional turmoil they need to mature properly.
There was a time when Stony Hill chardonnays were said to need 10 years to mature properly.
C. amphibeus requires warm fresh water (about 22-28˚C) to properly mature, and access to atmospheric oxygen.
The adult female flies feed on mammalia blood, in order for their eggs to mature properly.
Soon, it was clear that many of the fish would never mature properly.
Can teen-agers and young adults mature properly and meet the physical, intellectual and emotional demands of their lives if they eat no meat, chicken or fish?
Hardy plants must mature properly so the above-the-soil growth is composed of woody fibers, which replace the water cells in immature growths.