The peak performance is the maximal theoretical performance a computer can achieve, calculated as the machine's frequency, in cycles per second, times the number of operations per cycle it can perform.
As a new growing profession, animal physical therapists are evidenced based healthcare professionals that often work with the owner, veterinarian, and sometimes other healthcare professionals to help animals achieve maximal performance.
Mental fatigue is a transient decrease in maximal cognitive performance resulting from prolonged periods of cognitive activity.
Customers gain the maximal performance if their compressed active data fits into that licenced RAM, but it can also be much larger.
Marconi C, Sassi G, Cerretelli P. The effect of an alpha-ketoglutarate-pyridoxine complex on human maximal aerobic and anaerobic performance.
When maximal performance stands about a football field from a wall, only improvements measured in yards will be viewed as impressive.
Pyke, F. S. (1966) The effect of selected preliminary activities on certain maximal performances.
What is the person's maximal performance?
Choline: an important micronutrient for maximal endurance-exercise performance?
Goff and Ackerman proposed a distinction between typical and maximal performance on intellectual tasks.