Further, weapons have certain ranges where they are minimally and maximally effective, which gives the different weapon types different playing styles.
Time course studies of dendritic growth in neurons exposed to maximally effective concentrations of BMP-5 and BMP-7 reveal comparable temporal responses as well (Figure 3).
The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries is a popular handbook in the Schlock Mercenary universe.
Several studies have shown that whereas full-dose aspirin achieves almost immediate platelet inhibition, doses of 80 mg take as long as 48 h to become maximally effective.
If you want the oath to be maximally effective, then it is indeed entirely true that 'all that matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book.'
To be maximally effective, mammography should be done annually starting at age 40.
However, ambushes often intend to let the point element past the prime killing zone in order to be maximally effective.
A couples therapist needs to learn everyone's moves before he or she can be maximally effective.
Regular insulin should be given with about a 30 minute lead-time prior to the meal to be maximally effective and to minimize the possibility of hypoglycemia.
Proponents recommend that adherents remain 10-25% under their set-point, suggesting that this is necessary for the diet to be maximally effective.