Maximizing preschool learning and attention skills by reading to your child and providing new learning experiences such as puzzles and board games.
All Wayzata Public Schools elementary schools also incorporate technology into the classroom to maximize learning and children's understanding of technology used by today's work force.
The curriculum builds on the skills acquired in the early grades, combined with new challenges and techniques designed to maximize learning.
By utilizing this chart, teachers are able to quickly adjust the curriculum to maximize the student's performance and learning.
Computers are additionally programmed to adjust the difficulty of the task to the individual's performance with each trial in order to maximize learning and overall improvement.
Open and fluid spaces provide the flexibility to let educators and students use the Noel Studio to maximize learning.
There is some value and energy to be gained in change, however, what is the frequency of change that maximizes learning?
Metacognitive knowledge is about our own cognitive processes and our understanding of how to regulate those processes to maximize learning.
Subjects are integrated to maximize interdisciplinary learning.
Waiariki offers a small classroom environment, maximising individual attention and learning.