I mean, they were fanatics, yes, obviously, but even fanatics would normally try to maximize their advantage, to minimize their loss.
While a single player can maintain their own advantage with back-counting, card counting is most often used by teams of players to maximize their advantage.
"We have to maximize our advantage in technology, manufacturing and customer partnerships," Mr. Chang said.
Alvear had previously chosen this position in order to maximize his advantage in cavalry.
You might think that Mr. Giuliani would heed the lessons of Politics 101 and try to maximize his considerable advantage by taking the high road.
In doing so, the Jets have maximized their advantage in an area Parcells calls hidden yardage.
Torre designed his lineup to maximize the Yankees' advantage against Rogers.
But his aides were working behind the scenes to maximize the vice president's advantage.
"Economic man," that great abstraction of economic science, is supposed to do whatever it takes, within certain limits, to maximize his economic advantage.
They were, she said, "astute at using the local political situation wherever they went to maximize their advantage."