As a system approaches equilibrium, the system maximizes its spread over energy states, simply because it is the most likely state.
To maximize his control over the survivors, he left groups of soldiers on nearby islands to look for water and told them to leave their guns.
This in turn will give the Soviet Union an incentive to maximize its return on its oil exports over both the short and long term.
For example, households might be assumed to maximize a utility function over consumption and labor effort.
So we maximize the number of deliveries on a single vehicle over the three and a half years we've been doing it.
By maximizing over all choices of p, the following upper bound for C1 is found:
And they are unlikely to think about maximizing shareholder wealth over time.
And if someone seeks to maximize profit all over the globe, his first allegiance is to no nation.
Six picks designed to put your portfolio in the best position to minimise losses and maximise gains over 2009.
Drug delivery focuses on maximizing bioavailability both at specific places in the body and over a period of time.