"To achieve maximum success, we have concluded that we must commit our entire resource base to imaging opportunities and divest noncore businesses."
Federal officials, country deputy sheriffs, and city police cooperated in local roundups in order to assure maximum success" (71).
To achieve maximum success, most deployments involve both SIP and Jabber, to ensure connectivity to any other party who only supports one or the other.
Hagelin, J.S. Manual for a Perfect Government: How to harness the laws of nature to bring maximum success to governmental administration.
Parents, students, and school staff all have responsibilities and are accountable to one another in order to have maximum success for each student.
To have maximum success with the city supervisors, mistress, you must couch your arguments in terms of the Laws of Robotics.
With courage our Cadets will learn to master their limitations and exploit their strengths in order to achieve maximum success.
The Conference on 23 February in London will only have maximum success if Somaliland is taking part as an equal Sovereign Nation like the other nations taking part .