In 2002, the mayor and the City Council united to rebuild the pier; 2003 brought the condominiums and 320 rental units.
The mayor then shall bring the make-up of the selecting committee to the approval of the city council.
"I believe any Likud mayor will bring tension to Jerusalem," he said.
Business leaders also fear that a mayor with close ties to labor could bring more regulations and higher taxes.
Each mayor or governor brings a new style to office.
I'm asking the mayor, who has more than one gun, to bring one for me as well.
Mr. Levine said the mayor would not bring politics to the negotiating table.
Marla Fontenot, a leader of the recall effort, said the mayor brought unwanted attention to the town.
A really can-do mayor would bring New York a taxicab fit for human transportation.
A new mayor in Detroit has brought attention to the importance of the arts, along with neighborhoods and business development.