Saltaire's vexed mayor, Scott S. Rosenblum, confirms that.
Zagreb would also soon be joining the movement, confirmed the mayor, Milan Bandić, speaking in the Croatian capital on Sunday.
The mayor confirmed his friendship, perhaps, because the timing was good - he was drawing sympathy for his diagnosis of prostate cancer.
On Wednesday, the mayor of Stamford confirmed that the bank was bluffing, saying Chase officials had never contacted him.
In the Riding of the Franchises, the mayor and his company were inspecting and confirming the outer boundaries of the city's extensive land.
As for the revelations that his father, Harold, was an ex-con, the mayor has not confirmed them.
The lashing was so intense that while the mayor did not confirm or deny the news, no one asked a follow-up question.
The mayor of Pyeongchang, Seok Rae Lee met with Saintrond and confirmed his interest in bidding for the 2019 event.
The mayor of Dortmund and the police confirmed the number of participants in Dortmund.
The mayor also confirmed that he had authorized the release of Mr. Dorismond's arrest record immediately after the shooting, citing the public's "right to know."