Michael J. Jarjura, the mayor of Waterbury, has also met with tribal leaders to discuss the possibility of a casino.
"I mean, look, Phil Giordano is still the mayor of Waterbury."
He had served three terms as an alderman before seeking the job of mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut's fourth largest city with a population of 109,000.
The mayor of Waterbury, running as a write-in candidate after losing in the Democratic primary, declared an improbable re-election victory late Tuesday.
Calls to the mayor of Waterbury were not returned.
John was unable to replicate his father's success in business and so turned to the law, where he rose to serve as judge and eventually mayor of Waterbury.
"The court finds there is sufficient evidence to sustain a conviction based on the defendant's position as mayor of Waterbury," he said.
Hayes held two offices at the time; he had been mayor of Waterbury since 1930 and Connecticut's lieutenant governor since 1935.