But the mayor praised the police investigation, which he said had proceeded prudently as officers determined that there was no widespread danger to the community.
The mayor praised the hospital's cardiology program and congratulated the families.
The mayor praised the proposed redesign of the building when it was unveiled in 2003.
The mayor praised his record on housing, but said the city still has a shortage and thus needs rent rules.
The former mayor praises Mr. Pataki for "giving us a sense of purpose that we didn't have before."
Both the mayor and the chancellor praised the city's teachers.
The mayor praised the art exhibit at the Topkapi Palace, which opened here on the anniversary of the terrorist attack.
The mayor praises the governor's vision; suburban state senators are howling.
While criticizing the election system, the mayor praised Mr. Ravitz, whom he appointed in 2003.
The thunderous applause came only when the mayor praised President Bush "for leading the global war on terrorism."