He donated his $7 million mansion, called Cableland, to the City of Denver to use as a mayoral residence.
The impetus to bring things back to the city center included the construction of the new mayoral residence just off the Zocalo.
Refused by the city as a mayoral residence, his castle was razed eight years later.
In 1975, after deciding not to build on the land, the company donated the house to the city as a mayoral residence.
It is used today as the mayoral residence.
There was one problem, though: the mayoral residence was never the target of vengeful drug traffickers.
It is also possible that mayors of Cuernavaca used part of the building as the mayoral residence.
The city's treasurer went to look for Awaya and found corpses at the ruin of the mayoral residence.
Sachiyo was the only person who had escaped instant death in the mayoral residence.
So he created a new museum, taking over Gracie Mansion, the future mayoral residence, in 1923.